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What Is Tru Vue Museum Quality Glass? The Ultimate Protection for Your Framed Games

by Cheevo Gaming 27 May 2024


When it comes to displaying and preserving your favourite video games, the quality of the framing material is paramount. Tru Vue Museum Quality Glass represents the pinnacle of protection and display quality for any artwork, including the vibrant, intricate art of video games. Cheevo Framed Games proudly uses this premium glass in our frames to ensure your gaming memorabilia is not only displayed beautifully but protected thoroughly.

Understanding Tru Vue Museum Quality Glass

Definition and Features

Tru Vue Museum Quality Glass is a type of ultra-protective glass used primarily in the conservation of artwork in museums. Its key features include:

  • 99% UV Protection: This prevents sunlight from fading and degrading the vibrant colours of your game artwork.
  • Anti-Reflective Coating: Enhances viewing clarity by reducing reflections to less than 1%, allowing the true colours and details of your framed piece to shine through.
  • Optimal Light Transmission: Ensures that the details of the artwork are visible in various lighting conditions without any distortion.
  • Virtually eliminates reflections for amazing clarity.
  • Proprietary coating is engineered for stability & permanence.
  • Enhanced surface for durability and easy cleaning.
  • Smooth surface, free of distortion or ripples
  • Premium 2.5mm thickness provides the best strength & rigidity
  • Remains unchanged after 2000 hours (estimated to be approximately 100 years) of Q-sun Xenon arc testing at exposure intensity of 100,000 Lux.

Tru Vue Museum quality glass. Conservation-grade.

Benefits for Game Art Framing

Using Tru Vue Museum Quality Glass for framing video games transforms how you experience your favourite games’ art. Not only does it protect the artwork from UV damage, but it also ensures that the visuals are viewed as intended, without the interference of glare or reflection.


  • Custom framing, limited edition prints, original works of art, posters, historical documents, and other items of sentimental or monetary value
  • Shadowboxes for displaying objects including artefacts, heirlooms or mementos
  • Highly detailed and colourful works of art for a close intimate viewing experience
  • UV Protection (300-380nm) for light sensitive objects
  • Items sensitive to uncontrolled environments

Why Cheevo Framed Games Chooses Tru Vue Museum Quality Glass

Preservation of Your Gaming Milestones

At Cheevo Framed Games, we understand that each game art piece you choose to frame is not just a decoration but a cherished memory. Tru Vue’s protective features ensure that these memories are preserved against environmental factors that can cause fading and aging.

Enhancement of Visual Experience

Our choice to use Tru Vue Museum Quality Glass stems from our commitment to providing you with a viewing experience that is unmatched. The clarity and reduced reflection allow for an immersive viewing of the intricate details and vivid colours that make game artwork unique.

How to Select the Right Glass for Your Framed Game Art

Consider the Display Environment

Think about where your framed game art will be displayed. High-light environments might require the heightened protection offered by Tru Vue Museum Quality Glass to combat potential UV damage and glare.

Consult with Experts

Our team at Cheevo Framed Games can help you determine whether Tru Vue Museum Quality Glass is the best choice for your particular piece. We consider factors like artwork value, exposure risks, and aesthetic preferences.


Tru Vue Museum Quality Glass is not just an option; it is the best choice for anyone serious about protecting and showcasing their video game artwork. With its superior protective qualities and unparalleled clarity, it ensures that your favorite games are displayed vividly and preserved meticulously.

Ready to Frame Your Game Art?

If you're ready to elevate the way you display your game art, contact Cheevo Framed Games today. Let us help you choose the right Tru Vue Museum Quality Glass for your frames and turn your gaming achievements into art that lasts a lifetime.

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