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E3: The Curtain Falls on Gaming's Biggest Stage

by Cheevo Gaming 13 Dec 2023

Hey Gamers, Let's Chat About E3

Man, remember the days when E3 was like the Christmas of video games? That excitement, waiting for big reveals from Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo - it was epic! I still remember when it would set the trend for gaming discussions for months. Those were the days, huh?

E3's Golden Years: More Than Just a Convention

E3 wasn't just a convention; it was THE convention. It was where you'd see the future of gaming unfold right before your eyes. The energy was electric – new game announcements, surprise trailers, and the bigwigs of gaming all under one roof. But it wasn’t just about the games; it was about the people, the community. I met some of my best gaming buddies in those crowded halls.

  1. The Big Reveals: E3 was where the magic happened – where we got the first look at the next big games and consoles. Whether it was Sony dropping details about a new PlayStation or some indie developer unveiling a game that blew our minds, the reveals were the highlight for many.

  2. Hands-On Gaming: It wasn't just about watching trailers. At E3, you could actually play the games! That feeling of trying out a game before anyone else? Priceless.

  3. Networking Central: For the insiders, E3 was like LinkedIn but a thousand times cooler. Devs, publishers, media folks – everyone who was anyone in gaming was there. You could bump into a game dev legend while grabbing a coffee!

  4. Fan Fiesta: As a gamer, E3 was the place to be. It was where you met other folks who spoke your gaming language. The energy was infectious – everyone was there because they loved games.

  5. Media Madness: The buzz around E3 was unreal. Every gaming site and YouTuber worth their salt was talking about it. It set the trend for gaming discussions for months.

Times Change, So Did E3

But let's be real, things started changing, didn't they? Big companies started doing their own thing – Sony skipping E3, Nintendo going all-in on their Directs. The digital world was evolving, and E3... well, it kinda felt like it was stuck in the past. And then came COVID – a massive hit for all of us, and for E3, it was almost like a final nail in the coffin.

Here's What The Industry Had To Say

Geoff Keighley, a Canadian video game journalist and host of the Summer Games Fest, reminisced about his experiences at E3 and noted that he started building what’s next because he realized E3 wasn't evolving to compete in a global, digital world.

Imran Khan, a gaming journalist and Head of PR at MyDearest, reflected on the importance of E3 in his career but acknowledged that it increasingly had no place in the modern game industry.

Rebekah Valentine, a reporter at IGN, expressed sadness about the event's cancellation and concern about the potential decline in media access as a result​.

The End of an Era – But Not the End of Gaming

Hearing about E3's shutdown was a bummer, not gonna lie. It feels like the end of an era. But hey, gaming's always been about change and innovation, right? I think we're just moving to a new stage. Maybe we'll see more online events, or some new, crazy format we can't even imagine yet.

Wrapping Up: A Salute to E3

So, here’s to E3 – thanks for the memories. You introduced us to worlds we’d never dreamed of and brought us together in ways we couldn’t have imagined. Gaming’s going to keep evolving, and so will we. But we’ll always have a soft spot for E3, a reminder of how far we’ve come and how much further we can go.

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