Protect your art for 100 years

Museum TruVue

- Block 99% of UV rays.

- Reflection levels of less than 1%,

- Tested with Q-sun Xenon arc testing at exposure intensity of 100,000 Lux.

- Built to offer full protection in direct sunlight.

- The best glass you can get (museum quality).

- Premium glass material.

Protect your art for 30 years

UltraVue UV70

- Block 70% of UV rays.

- Reflection levels of less than 1%,

- Crystal clear colour transmission.

- Perfect for controlled light environments (game rooms).

- Will protect your art for 30 years before any fading occurs.

- Premium glass material.

Protect your art for 10 years

Cast Acrylic

- Block 99% of UV rays.

- Guaranteed to last 10 years without discolouration.

- Shatter resistant.

- Perfect for controlled light environments (game rooms).

- Acrylic material.

Cast Acrylic vs UltraVue UV70

Framed game with TruVue UV70 used at the front
Framed game with cast acrylics used at the front
Framed game with cast acrylics used at the front
Framed game with TruVue UV70 used at the front


What is UV damage?

Well, think of it like this: sunlight hitting your printed media is like a slow-motion fade-out in a bad action movie. Over time, it can zap the colour vividness and leave your precious art with a not-so-charming yellow stain. But don’t worry, here at Cheevo we’ve got ways to protect your media from turning into a vintage sepia filter.

Oh, it's like the VIP of framing glass. This bad boy blocks 99% of UV rays, keeping your cherished artwork from fading faster than my patience at a traffic light. It’s crystal clear, anti-reflective, and makes your art look like it’s on display at the Louvre. Basically, it’s like wrapping your treasures in an invisibility cloak that also happens to be a UV-fighting superhero.

Well, imagine glass as the James Bond of framing materials: suave, durable, and always looking sharp. Glass offers crystal-clear clarity, doesn't scratch as easily as acrylic, and won’t warp over time. Plus, it feels more premium—like a martini, shaken not stirred. Acrylic, on the other hand, is like the budget-friendly sidekick: lightweight and versatile, but a bit more prone to scratches and scuffs. So, if you want your artwork to stay as flawless as Ryan Gosling’s jawline, go with glass.

Seriously, it’s so crystal clear you might start questioning if there’s even glass there at all. Imagine seeing your masterpiece in all its glory without any pesky reflections or distortions. Yep, it's that clear.

UltraVue UV70 is matched on clarity levels too!

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